
Taking Care of Mama Bear Travel

By Joyce Shulman May 8, 2012
Time for true confessions from the Publisher.  I cry pretty much every time I leave my family to travel alone.  I worry that they will starve.  Miss appointments.  Need me.  Not need me.  I fear dying in a tragic plane crash.  Or that the dreaded "something" will go wrong while I'm gone and I won't be there to fix it.

So why go?  Why do I put myself through the stress?

Because life should be an adventure.  Because my spirit needs to explore.  Because I'm a better parent when I've had four days alone.  Because there are mountains I want to climb and waves I want to surf that are just not suitable for children.

So once or twice, or even three times a year, I book a trip, pack a bag, endure the sleepless night before I leave and tell myself that they will be fine.  And usually (though not always) I actually get on the plane the next day.

And so should you.